The Glastonbury Gymnastics Club
Glastonbury Gymnastics Club
Parent's Organization (G.G.C.P.O.)
The Glastonbury Gymnastics Club Parent's Organization (G.G.C.P.O.) is comprised of all of the parents of the Glastonbury Gymnastics Club team program. The purpose of the G.G.C.P.O. is to raise funds to offset the cost of the Glastonbury Gymnastics Club to the Town of Glastonbury , as well as to raise funds to support the Glastonbury Gymnastics Club team gymnasts.
Each year six parents volunteer to sit on the G.G.C.P.O. Board. G.G.C.P.O. Board members work closely with the Glastonbury Gymnastics Club Director throughout the year to help plan home competitions, events, and to vote on purchases and issues that arise. Parents are highly encouraged to serve as G.G.C.P.O. Board members. All G.G.C.P.O. Board members receive ½ off local meet fees.
The G.G.C.P.O Board consists of the following positions: Treasurer (2 positions), Hospitality (2 positions), and Concession Coordinators (2 positions). The G.G.C.P.O. Board changes every summer, and anyone interested in volunteering should speak with the Glastonbury Gymnastics Club Director.
Thank you to the 2023-24 G.G.C.P.O. Board Members. Your dedication and commitment is greatly appreciated.
Concession Coordinators:
Liz Downing & Dijana Jovanovic
Gina LaBianca & Jamie Rodriguez
Kristi Accornero & Alisha Brown